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Understanding SPX Flow Hydraulic Pumps - Lindberg Process Equipment

Most people don’t see pumps in action, yet they benefit every day from the pumps and pumping systems that are used every day in industries around the world. And because the pump is so integral to the manufacture, shipping, and delivery of goods and services, the manufacturing of pumps is a highly regulated industry. Consequently, when searching for any particular pump for any particular service application, choosing one that is compliant with national and international standards assures that it will do any job asked of it. SPX hydraulic pumps provide exactly that assurance and that level of performance.
Choosing the Right Pump
As it is with system elements found in all industrial applications, each pump used within each system must perform the work needed to assure that the system as a whole achieves peak performance. Ergo, choosing the right pump for the job is critical to the job’s ultimate success. SPX hydraulic pumps provide a wide variety of options of service and capacity, so choosing the right one is easy:
• Single speed pumps deliver constant pressure throughout the pump action. Double speed pumps switch high and low pressures depending on advance and load requirements.
• The power source – manual, air, gas, or electric – can be varied based on the size of the job, the need for portability, or whether electricity is available at the site.
• Operation duration is also significant. Pumps that only work intermittently don’t need to be as robust as those under constant demand.
A pump’s performance is directly related to being sized and appropriately configured to meet the demands of the project.
SPX Hydraulic Pumps in Action
SPX Flow produces many variations of hydraulic pumps, each designed to address specific project requirements. Depending on the purpose of use, SPX hydraulic pumps come in electric, air, and gas models, each with varying capacities. Consequently, there is almost certainly an SPX hydraulic pump available for virtually any project. In the event no existing SPX hydraulic pump fits the job, many SPX Flow can manufacture an “Assemble to order” pump with the right seals, valves, voltages, etc., for the specific purpose.
SPX Flow continues to innovate and recently introduced its newest option, a cordless hydraulic battery pump that gives operators increased power and portability as well as a longer run-time and “plug-play” control options.