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Fans and Blowers Offer a Multitude of Services - Lindberg Process Equipment

Many industries use fans and blowers as integral aspects of their production machinery. Built into the design of the manufacturing system, fans and blowers help to keep the air clean and to maintain a steady temperature or airflow around parts and materials.

Besides their industrial system use, however, fans and blowers are used in many other configurations to improve both work product quality and work-place comfort.

Engineers Look to Fans and Blowers for Solutions
While large manufacturing facilities provide the space and capacity for optimal manufacturing processes, they are not so great for the personnel who run those systems. Frequently, the vast warehouses that enclose multiple machines and systems also enclose the heat generated by those systems, and even those with the best ventilation systems can struggle to keep internal temperatures comfortable for humans. Fans are used to both move machine exhaust out of the building while also circulating the air inside to maintain worker productivity.

Exhaust Fans
Exhaust fans improve air quality by removing the detritus that is expelled by machines as they work. Specially designed centrifugal and axial fans are configured to remove the materials that are typically exhausted in the manufacturing process, such as dust, fumes, and granular particulates. The more potentially harmful the exhaust, the more critical it is to vent it away from workers. Fans designed from special materials can vent potentially explosive exhaust, gases or particulates that could explode if exposed to an ignition trigger or corrosive exhaust.

Howden makes fans of all types and sizes and can customize any of their standard fans to meet any industrial purpose.