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Cooling Fans Prevent Industrial Disasters - Lindberg Process Equipment

The pace of American manufacturing processes has picked up as offshore competition presses U.S. companies to produce more, faster, cheaper. One unfortunate side effect of that pressure is that general care and maintenance of industrial equipment are often put off in order to run “just one more” line of production. In workplaces with high-heat machines, those delays can cause explosions, fires, and loss of both equipment and workers. Appropriately designed and fitted cooling fans can help prevent unnecessary losses caused when high-heat environments are running at peak temperatures.

Excessive Heat Causes Problems
For Workers
Workers in high-heat areas face higher risks than those who work in cooler environments. Excess heat can cause heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and even heat stroke. For employees, frequent breaks and lots of fluids can help maintain proper body temperature to assure they can put in a full day’s work.

For Machines
For equipment, however, the cooling process isn’t quite so easy, which explains why hot or overheated machines are often the causes of disastrous industrial fires. When the surface of a machine is hot enough to act as an igniter, any substance that comes in contact with it can become a hazard. Consequently, while inadvertent releases of ignitable materials, such as flammable gases or liquids, might not be overly hazardous, they can be deadly if they come in contact with the surface of a hot or overheated machine.

One frequent cause of industrial fires is the explosion caused when hot machinery comes in contact with combustible dust. Just about any material can be combustible in dust form, even if it isn’t combustible in larger pieces. Because so many industrial materials generate dust throughout the production process, combustible dust can occur in virtually any industrial setting.

Industrial Cooling Fans Prevent Machine Overheating
Specialized cooling fans from Howden are designed specifically to cool the industrial engine. Howden’s engineers understand that the heat generated during production processes can damage not just the environment, but the machine itself, so they’ve designed these cooling fans and blowers to keep both the equipment and its environment cool. Proper temperature management also extends the life of the machine.

If your industrial production shop generates heat in either or both its machines or environment, let Howden’s series of cooling fans and blowers help you keep your temperatures down.