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Industrial burner solutions: we compare fueling with gas and oil - Lindberg Process Equipment

There are numerous options for industrial burners across a wide variety of industrial applications, but whether natural gas or oil-fired burners are the right choice depends on several different factors and circumstances. Both varieties offer long lasting endurance and highly specific needs. Honeywell’s partner Maxon manufactures both kinds and recognizes the nuances that each can offer.

There are several common links between oil and gas heating systems. Both provide longevity, with decades of use when maintained properly. Both have technology available to enable clean burning, with reduced emissions and decreased residue. Additionally, gas and oil have options that offer high-power heating for industrial-scale operations.

A persistent myth is that gas burns cleaner than oil. While earlier states of technology might have rendered this partially true, both forms of energy are cleaner today than ever before, with oil undergoing a massive improvement in emissions standards and efficiency. Gas and oil have specific benefits for multiple industries, and the selection guarantees high-quality no matter which best meets those needs.

Today’s oil-fired industrial burners can burn clean and “green”

Oil burners that utilize ultra-low #2 diesel fuel are the most common varieties of oil-fired industrial burners in the United States, although they are manufactured to utilize other grades of fuels, among them #6, biodiesel, Kerosene, and some waste oils. Oil burners offer a number of benefits, including excellent control over combustion as the fuel is atomized for precise ignition and efficient energy production. Although the popularity of oil-fired industrial burners somewhat receded in previous years, they are currently making a comeback because of decreasing energy prices and the newfound potential to incorporate alternative and waste oils in order reduce and reuse to help meet stricter environmental regulations. Maxon built burners are built with technology that allows cleaner fuel implementations and safer, more uniform operations. The burners are compatible with all types of oils across most applications, making them a solid option for most industries.

Our Megafire system is ideal for large capacity oil-fired industrial heating solutions, while our multifire burners can handle a large variety of oils and atomize them without compressed air or steam using low pressure combustion. The Oxy-Therm line meets high temperature demands, with several models available within that successful line.

Industrial burners powered with gas are economic and efficient

When searching for the right heating system for your operation, there’s no doubt that cost efficiency and fuel economy are near the top of the list of priorities. Fortunately, fueling an industrial burner using natural gas or other similar fuels is a highly efficient and clean way to generate powerful heat that has a super controlled flame and combustion process and a crisp, wide-reaching heat radiating capacity. Our gas fueled burners can run on propane, butane, and several alternative fuels in addition to natural gas. The burners can be optimized for a wide variety of operations, and several distinctive models are available to ensure compatibility and maximum performance for nearly all industrial heating needs.

Maxon manufactures Oxy-Fuel burners, which is optimal for kilns, furnaces, and melters, plus a host of other applications. The company also manufactures both high- and low-temperature burners, as well as induct line burners for a uniform heating solution.

Innovative industrial heating solutions

Honeywell offers a solid range of high-quality industrial burners fueled by gas and oil with multiple options within both varieties. Maxon innovated the original oxy fuel combustion system, which broke ground on industrial burner technology. No matter what your industry, our heating systems can meet your needs.