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HTT - Lindberg Process Equipment

Isomembrane high temperature technologies reduce costs and assure compliance

High Temperature Technologies (HTT) are a leading method for solving air in-leakage issues and reducing emissions due to extra cycling in plants. The impact of cycling is not to be underestimated, as not only does costly air in-leakage occur, but a host of other issues like reduced reliability, capacity reductions, mechanical damage including stress fractures, cracking, and numerous failures, plus high emissions that can surpass regulations.

High heat rates call for high-end HTT solutions

Heat rate has been neglected at plants for some time, and one of the reasons for this is that it hasn’t been fully incentivized, staffing has undergone reductions, and budget priorities have begun shifting to reflect upgrades and accommodate baseload generating plants. Essentially, there has been an industry-wide ignorance to the critical factor of heat rate that is now changing with the onslaught of HTT.

Working with high heat rates has been a longtime complacent part of industrial manufacturing. Since regulatory requirements for emissions and safety have increased and compliance standards have risen, there can be serious consequences for not meeting those standards, especially when it comes to issues like air quality and the Pollution Control Act.

Case studies for HTT

Several case studies have demonstrated the impact HTT can have on generating better quality standards and compliance. In one case, the company Neundorfer faced the need to control its flue gas emissions and regulate its compliance or face hefty penalties. The company strategized achieving a particulate limit of .03 lbs MM/Btu to bring its flue gas conditions to an optimal level by managing gas volume, distribution, temperature, and velocity. The company maintained a high return on investment and implemented lasting changes thanks to HTT.

Another area that suffers is repair of cycling, fractures, and air in-leakage. There are multiple modes of traditional repair that fall short of meeting modern demands for efficiency and magnitude, and are largely inflexible and unreliable. These traditional approaches include weld repair, refractory, or doing nothing to address the issue. The former two do not last, since thermal expansion tends to creep in and take hold of things because it never actually goes away. HTT helps regulate the heat itself so thermal expansion can not return to do more damage.

When companies opt to do nothing, as unbelievable as that sounds, it’s typically a matter of not having an adequate budget allotted to the repairs. That’s another area where HTT shines; it can be used across numerous applications and includes a better distribution of resources as well as higher ROI, making it a more viable investment.

One of the more effective sealants for these repairs, according to case studies, is Isomembrane, a flexible, resilient, adaptable application that has an extremely high temperature threshold of over 1800 degrees Fahrenheit, wider budgetary options, low installation costs, long-term sealing, onsite fabrication, and flexibility. It’s one of the HTT options that most any industry or company can use, and it provides some of the highest levels of results and improvements that outmoded forms of repair can’t match.

Compliance matters. Isomembrane HTT can help.

Protecting your company’s compliance is one of the top priorities. Isomembrane ensures that no air in-leakage or cycling will recur, and reduces emissions through controlling those issues. The penalties lobbed on companies that let those issues get out of hand are far more expensive than the most basic solutions, and Isomembrane technology beats them all.

Isomembrane can be fabricated onsite to fit specifications for infrastructure. It consists of a multilayered system composed of several proprietary HTT layers, including Isoblanket, Isobond, and Isocoat. The installation is fast and easy with no prefabrication requirements.

To learn more about how to implement Isomembrane HTT solutions in your high heat rate plant, visit isomembrane.com.