Coalogix/STEAG Energy Services

STEAG SCR-Tech was recently established by its owners. This friendly merger of two companies (SCR-Tech and Steag Energy Services) created a enviremental services company dedicated to delivering great value and customer service to it’s clients. STEAG SCR-Tech is the world leader in SCR catalyst regeneration technologies and systems. Below you will find a few products from STEAG SCR-Tech for more info visit:


Catalyst Regeneration

The regeneration process removes catalyst deactivation compounds and restores catalyst activity back to the original OEM level. And since it reuses modules, it provides environmental compliance that looks good for your bottom line…  Learn More

SCR Management

STEAG SCR-Tech’s experience with over 2 million SCR operating hours has resulted in the development of our ‘perpetual cycle of SCR management.’ Each SCR outage represents an opportunity to learn more about operating conditions…  Learn More