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Replacing Your Equipment to Make Better Ice Cream - Lindberg Process Equipment

Ice cream is a sugary, sweet treat universally loved by all. The process of making ice cream, both on a small, artisanal scale and an industrial food service scale, can be sweet, too, with the correct equipment installed.

When there are equipment failures in the ice cream making process, there is going to be a melted, sticky mess on your hands. Properly maintained ice cream making equipment could last up to 25 years, but sometimes it is necessary to replace your equipment to serve customers better.

Replacing Your Equipment

There are many reasons for ice cream making equipment failure that leads to replacement. Luckily, there are several innovative ice cream making technologies that will improve your production quality.

Recognizing potential issues and failures that may occur in ice cream making equipment can help business owners to be better prepared when their machinery nears the end of its life cycle. Here’s the scoop:

Potential Equipment Issues:

  • Power failure
  • Cooling and freezing issues
  • Thermostat and temperature regulation failures
  • Compressor issues
  • Ice build-up
  • General wear and tear

When any of these issues arise, many business owners try to put a bandage on the issue by providing maintenance and repairs. However, repair costs on industrial equipment can quickly mount up to the point where replacement makes the most financial sense.

Why Replace Your Equipment?

  • It is old and failing
  • It is no longer safe to operate
  • Inventory is being lost consistently due to power failure or cooling issues
  • Costs of constant maintenance and repairs are piling up
  • Productivity levels and revenue decrease when equipment continues to fail

When a business begins to lose money because of failing machinery, it is likely that it is time to look into replacement equipment options.

The Best Replacement Equipment for Your Needs

Replacing malfunctioning or broken ice cream making equipment is the next step in producing higher-quality ice cream products. There is a wide range of machinery options available on the market today.

Considerations Before Replacement

Before you take on the financial responsibilities of replacing expensive industrial foodservice equipment, take time to consider the needs of your business. Whether you are in the industrial dairy industry or just a small mom and pop ice cream shop, there are a few questions to ask yourself as a business owner before deciding on the right replacement equipment for you.

Key Considerations:

  • Does your business provide products directly to consumers, or do you sell wholesale?
  • Is your business self-serve or full-service?
  • Does your self-serve ice cream business offer multiple flavors and toppings?
  • What is the serving volume of your ice cream making business?
  • Can the new machinery be repaired, serviced, and maintained easily by employees or management?
  • What is the expected life span of the equipment?

Each piece of equipment plays a critical role in the ice cream production process. The model of replacement equipment you need to make the best ice cream will depend on the type of product or products your business produces. Different types of ice cream products, like popsicles, cones, and pints, will require unique functionality from the equipment.

Ice Cream Equipment Models and Functions

Equipment Name Function End Products
Ice Cream Extrusion Machine Tunnel for ice cream production, hardening, and packaging of products. It is the “assembly line.”
  • Cones
  • Stick ice cream
  • Ice cream sandwiches
  • Ice pops
Ice Cream Filler Machines

  • Rotary
  • Linear
Both rotary and linear types can be used to fill various cups, containers, and cones with hard and soft-serve ice cream.
  • Cones
  • Cakes
  • Bulk ice cream
Ice Cream Stick Machines Machinery used to insert wooden or plastic sticks in various products.
  • Popsicles
  • Stick ice cream
Ice Cream Decoration Machines Dispenses topics and fillings to use on the exterior of cones and cakes, or to add filling to bulk ice cream, cakes, or popsicle products.
  • Cones
  • Cakes
  • Bulk ice cream
  • Stick ice cream
  • Popsicles

Benefits of Equipment Replacement

Allowing maintenance, repairs, and replacement to fall by the wayside can be extremely detrimental to the productivity of your ice cream business. Loss of product and revenue should be a surefire indication of necessary equipment replacement.

When you make a hefty business investment, it can be frightening to think that it was not worth it. But once the replacement of malfunctioning equipment is complete, the benefits will be readily apparent.

Implementing machinery with longer life spans and simplified maintenance and repair will result in a higher return on investment. Revenue will no longer be lost due to malfunctioning equipment, and the focus can return to producing high-quality ice cream products.

Adding machinery like ice cream decoration machines will also give you a leg up on the competition. These devices give your store the ability to offer more unique topics and filling flavorings for ice cream, popsicles, and cakes.

New processing equipment will increase levels of productivity. Assembly lines for items such as popsicles, pints, cones, and stick ice cream will be operating at a much higher speed, with a larger capacity. This ultimately means more money for your ice cream business. Plus, with automation, your workforce can focus on growing your business in alternative capacities.

The Final Scoop

Operating old, broken, or malfunctioning ice cream making equipment can not only be dangerous but can lead to the loss of valuable revenue. If you find yourself spending more on maintenance and repairs, and losing out on potential customers thanks to lost inventory, it may be time to consider replacing your machinery.

Take the time to break down the needs of your business in relation to the products that you provide. Research and learn more about the available ice cream making machines offered by a variety of manufactures and how they can improve your processes. Then, contact a trusted professional to assist in the replacement of your faulty machines. Finally, once the replacement is complete, you can focus all of your energy and efforts on expanding your ice cream production business.